Monetary Donations

Every donation made to The Center for America's First Horse, Inc. helps us feed & care for our horses and expand our educational programs, especially our Natural Horsemanship for Children programs.
We have rescued many Spanish mustangs who were in great need. They now call The Center their "forever home".
Any size contribution will help the kids and the herd.
Matching Gifts are an easy way to double or even triple your gift to The Center for America's First Horse! Check with your employer today to see if your employer will match your gift to The Center.
We have rescued many Spanish mustangs who were in great need. They now call The Center their "forever home".
Any size contribution will help the kids and the herd.
Matching Gifts are an easy way to double or even triple your gift to The Center for America's First Horse! Check with your employer today to see if your employer will match your gift to The Center.
Ultimately, The Center's goal is being self sustainable yet like all nonprofit organizations we rely on your financial donations to meet The Center's growing financial needs. Please trust that 100% of your donation goes directly to the care and feeding of the horses at The Center for America's First Horse, Inc.
We are a federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible. |
*We are a Vermont non-profit corporation and federal 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.