Meet Our Horses
The Center is home to the most diverse group of Spanish mustang horses in the eastern United States. We showcase a variety of rare strains, colors, and bloodlines. Each horse that resides with us has a unique character and history. It is our pleasure to introduce you to them all!

2002 gelding
Black Star with star, stripe and snip
14.2 hands
Adelantado was the first Spanish mustang we acquired. His name translates from Spanish to "the first one" or "early one". He was bred in New Mexico and comes from a unique, southwestern strain. Adelantado's character reminds us that even horses can be "old souls".
Black Star with star, stripe and snip
14.2 hands
Adelantado was the first Spanish mustang we acquired. His name translates from Spanish to "the first one" or "early one". He was bred in New Mexico and comes from a unique, southwestern strain. Adelantado's character reminds us that even horses can be "old souls".

2002 gelding
Grey Roan
14.3 hands
With his regal presence, Morado is the top ambassador horse at the Center. He has performed numerous breed and natural horsemanship demonstrations from New Mexico to New York. In his first year of competition Morado was awarded with a year end championship in training level dressage and that same year was ridden in his first 30 mile competitive trail ride. He won the HOA Sport Horse of the Year, and the Sundance awards in 2008. Morado is always ready to show off his athleticism and good looks, and loves to have his picture taken.
Grey Roan
14.3 hands
With his regal presence, Morado is the top ambassador horse at the Center. He has performed numerous breed and natural horsemanship demonstrations from New Mexico to New York. In his first year of competition Morado was awarded with a year end championship in training level dressage and that same year was ridden in his first 30 mile competitive trail ride. He won the HOA Sport Horse of the Year, and the Sundance awards in 2008. Morado is always ready to show off his athleticism and good looks, and loves to have his picture taken.
Oscar (aka Hidalgo)
![]() 1991 gelding
Overo 14.2 hands Oscar is one of four horses who starred in Disney's Hidalgo, the epic adventure movie based on the true story of Frank T. Hopkins and his Spanish mustang stallion, Hidalgo. Being an equine celebrity, Oscar is an integral part of our promotion and education efforts. Oscar is APHA registered as Impressively Better, born in 1991 and in great health. Oscar has been in semi retirement since the movie, traveling with us to promote the Spanish mustangs and educate people about the importance of saving this breed. He's enjoying life, occasionally is ridden. Oscar brings smiles and awe to the faces of people that he meets and is an ambassador of The Center. We are honored to be his family. |

2000 gelding
Red Dun and snowflake pattern
14 hands
Coyote descends from the foundation herd of the Spanish Mustang Registry. He carries bloodlines from the original Spanish horse of the Outter Banks of the Mid-atlantic coast. He was bred and raised in Indiana. Coyote enjoys trail riding and sneaking out under the fence with his friend, Maya.
Sly, skillful, sneaky, bold. He has a very affectionate side too but his name describes him best! He comes from Tom Norush's breeding program of eastern (Banker ponies) and western (Spanish mustangs from the Brislawn family) bloodlines. In the summer he has a snowflake pattern of white on his rump. He's got leg barring and a dorsal stripe, too. Coyote is a great trail horse and was used this summer for some of our kids programs. He's been a great teacher for many adults who are learning about natural horsemanship from the ground up. Coyote is one of those horses who picks his person. He can by shy and reserved until you get to know him then he's in your heart forever.
Red Dun and snowflake pattern
14 hands
Coyote descends from the foundation herd of the Spanish Mustang Registry. He carries bloodlines from the original Spanish horse of the Outter Banks of the Mid-atlantic coast. He was bred and raised in Indiana. Coyote enjoys trail riding and sneaking out under the fence with his friend, Maya.
Sly, skillful, sneaky, bold. He has a very affectionate side too but his name describes him best! He comes from Tom Norush's breeding program of eastern (Banker ponies) and western (Spanish mustangs from the Brislawn family) bloodlines. In the summer he has a snowflake pattern of white on his rump. He's got leg barring and a dorsal stripe, too. Coyote is a great trail horse and was used this summer for some of our kids programs. He's been a great teacher for many adults who are learning about natural horsemanship from the ground up. Coyote is one of those horses who picks his person. He can by shy and reserved until you get to know him then he's in your heart forever.

2000 mare
14.2 hands
Maya was bred and raised in South Dakota. She is a fine representative of the Sorraia bloodlines from Caballo de Destino's. Her dorsal stripe and leg barring are unique colorations, referred to as primitve markings. Maya was gifted to The Center by a caring donor. Maya's willing and kind temperament makes her a great example of the gentle character of the breed. Maya is Momma to Kyra.
14.2 hands
Maya was bred and raised in South Dakota. She is a fine representative of the Sorraia bloodlines from Caballo de Destino's. Her dorsal stripe and leg barring are unique colorations, referred to as primitve markings. Maya was gifted to The Center by a caring donor. Maya's willing and kind temperament makes her a great example of the gentle character of the breed. Maya is Momma to Kyra.
Ultima de Chispa
2002 gelding Black with a star 14.1 hands "Chispa", translated to "spark" in Spanish, was one of our original four Spanish mustangs that came from the Baca herd in New Mexico. After being adored by his young owner since 2007, Chispa is back with us and calls The Center home. He is leased by a passionate young girl who rides him and loves on him daily. Together, they are moving through the levels of western and english dressage, are jumping cross country fences, and love to trail ride. Chispa is always the instigator of horse play with his Baca herd brothers and cousins, Morado, Adelantado, Ringo and Augustine. He has a spark to his personality, and makes the kids laugh with his antics. |
Luksi (aka Painted Turtle)

2006 gelding
Tri-colored Tobiano
14 Hands
He is 100% Choctaw Indian pony, one of the rarest strains of Colonial Spanish horses. Less than 250 Choctaw ponies exist today. His sire is Iktinike, a foundation Choctaw stallion owned by Dr. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM. Luksi is a half brother to our Minko and Little Creek. His Choctaw name, Luksi means turtle. He is very colorfully marked, as a painted turtle is. The turtle represents opportunity, patience, and the belief that in time, all good things will come.
Tri-colored Tobiano
14 Hands
He is 100% Choctaw Indian pony, one of the rarest strains of Colonial Spanish horses. Less than 250 Choctaw ponies exist today. His sire is Iktinike, a foundation Choctaw stallion owned by Dr. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM. Luksi is a half brother to our Minko and Little Creek. His Choctaw name, Luksi means turtle. He is very colorfully marked, as a painted turtle is. The turtle represents opportunity, patience, and the belief that in time, all good things will come.
Wish Upon a Star
2005 mare
Grulla with dorsal stripe and leg barring 13.1 hands "Wish" is sired by Rowdy Yates, the famed stallion from Karma Farms in Texas, and 2006 Breyer horse model. She was lovingly donated to The Center by her owner, the late Peggy Raymond. Wish is one of our main horses for our youth program, and has bonded closely with one particular student who has become an accomplished young horsewoman thanks to Wish's spunky character. Wish and her girl are very successful in lower level dressage, jumping, and they love to take their confidence trailblazing in the woods. Wish is one of our top ambassador horses with her cool and collected nature at public venues. |

2007 gelding
14 hands
Augustine represents a unique southwest strain of Colonial Spanish horse. His ancestors carried Spanish settlers along the historic Camino Real in what is now New Mexico. Augustine is one of our main ambassador horses who enjoys attending public venues and greeting guests. He is one of the most gentle and kind horses and has a bright future ahead of him as a sport pony. He is so patient with people and loves to be hugged and petted and looked at--he even poses for pictures! He's a beautiful mover with such grace and extension in his gaits. With his easy going attitude he's going to make someone the perfect partner. Augustine is full brother to Ringo.
14 hands
Augustine represents a unique southwest strain of Colonial Spanish horse. His ancestors carried Spanish settlers along the historic Camino Real in what is now New Mexico. Augustine is one of our main ambassador horses who enjoys attending public venues and greeting guests. He is one of the most gentle and kind horses and has a bright future ahead of him as a sport pony. He is so patient with people and loves to be hugged and petted and looked at--he even poses for pictures! He's a beautiful mover with such grace and extension in his gaits. With his easy going attitude he's going to make someone the perfect partner. Augustine is full brother to Ringo.
Mas de Domingo

1994 gelding
Overo Medicine Hat
14.2 Hands
Meet Mas de Domingo, grandson of San Domingo, the Medicine Hat Stallion portrayed in author Marguerite Henry's classic story. We are thrilled to have Mas in our herd where he'll be safe and have a forever home with us. Mas is a Spanish mustang extraordinaire! His incredible spirit and presence speaks volumes to how special these horses are. He's a grounding force at The Center and watches over the young horses.
Overo Medicine Hat
14.2 Hands
Meet Mas de Domingo, grandson of San Domingo, the Medicine Hat Stallion portrayed in author Marguerite Henry's classic story. We are thrilled to have Mas in our herd where he'll be safe and have a forever home with us. Mas is a Spanish mustang extraordinaire! His incredible spirit and presence speaks volumes to how special these horses are. He's a grounding force at The Center and watches over the young horses.

2002 gelding
Chestnut Roan
14.1 hands
Ringo is one of the most popular horses at The Center because of his gentleness and playful, sense of humor. Ringo travels extensively with us promoting the breed. He is the most independent horse and continually surprises us with his cleverness. Ringo is full brother to Augustine. Not only is he beautiful, he's smart. He has been known to turn a door knob with his mouth to get into the tack room, he learned how to do a trick by watching his pasture mate get rewarded for his "bow". Ringo is totally food oriented and will do all sorts of goofy things to get a cookie. Recently, he carried our hoof stand away when we wasn't looking. He carries things in his mouth like a dog and makes people laugh. Ringo is a very independent horse. If the herd is running circles to the right, Ringo is running left. He goes off exploring the fields by himself. His independence and curiosity makes him a great trail horse. He always seems up for an adventure no matter what. Ringo was one of the first group of horses coming from Baca Chica Farm. Ringo was started under saddle in just a few days when he was 3 yrs old. We've had him 7 years now and he has been one of our main ambassador horses for that long. Ringo has been a great horse in our after school programs as well as working with children in equine facilitated psychotherapy. He brings a lot of joy and lightness.
Chestnut Roan
14.1 hands
Ringo is one of the most popular horses at The Center because of his gentleness and playful, sense of humor. Ringo travels extensively with us promoting the breed. He is the most independent horse and continually surprises us with his cleverness. Ringo is full brother to Augustine. Not only is he beautiful, he's smart. He has been known to turn a door knob with his mouth to get into the tack room, he learned how to do a trick by watching his pasture mate get rewarded for his "bow". Ringo is totally food oriented and will do all sorts of goofy things to get a cookie. Recently, he carried our hoof stand away when we wasn't looking. He carries things in his mouth like a dog and makes people laugh. Ringo is a very independent horse. If the herd is running circles to the right, Ringo is running left. He goes off exploring the fields by himself. His independence and curiosity makes him a great trail horse. He always seems up for an adventure no matter what. Ringo was one of the first group of horses coming from Baca Chica Farm. Ringo was started under saddle in just a few days when he was 3 yrs old. We've had him 7 years now and he has been one of our main ambassador horses for that long. Ringo has been a great horse in our after school programs as well as working with children in equine facilitated psychotherapy. He brings a lot of joy and lightness.

2007 gelding
Bay Tobiano
12.3 hands
Sire: Iktinike / Dam: Nightcamp
Minko is a 100% Choctaw Indian pony - a native american strain of Colonial Spanish horse with origins in the Southeast and Oklahoma. Minko's ancestors also carried the Choctaw Nation on the Trail of Tears in the 1830's. There are only about 250 pure Choctaw ponies in the world. Minko is an offspring of a conservation breeding program to save these horses.
Minko was bred and raised in Vermont as part of a conservation program for the Choctaw ponies. Minko has been part of our equine assisted learning program and over the summer kids from our programs spent time walking and brushing him. We find that Minko's sensitivity and old soul spirit is beneficial in allowing people to learn more about themselves. Because he is smaller than average, (about 13 hands) he is not intimidating, and who could resist his beautiful face and flashy markings. Minko has shown us that although he is small, he is tough and powerful. His herd mates respect him and he is a sense of stability for one of our horses which needs that in his life. Minko's name translates to the Leader in Choctaw. We just love this little guy!

2006 mare
14.3 hands
Tallulah is a full Choctaw Indian Pony who came to Vermont as a young foal with her mother from Oklahoma. She is the offspring of one of the original Choctaw Pony Conservation horses. Tallulah lives at The Center year round and is owned and ridden by a friend and supporter of The Center. Tallulah is a glamour girl with her beautiful presence and full and flashy mane and tail. Beside her good looks, she has a puppy dog personality and loves her human companions.
Snow Princess

1990 mare
Creme tobiano
13.3 hands
"Snow" comes from the original Gilbert Jones herd of Choctaw Indian ponies from Oklahoma. She is branded on her right shoulder with the famous G-J. Snow belongs to a family who now resides in Switzerland and they decided it was best for her to live out her life at The Center where she is loved and cared for. Snow is the wise old grandmother of the mare herd and is well respected and honored for the wonderful experiences she gave the children and family who own her.

2007 mare
Classic Roan
13.3 hands
"Shy" is Snow's longtime friend and and pasture mate. Shy comes from Sorraia and Choctaw pony bloodlines. Owned by our friends in Switzerland, Shy has a wild and free spirit to her that makes her one of the favorite horses to photograph at The Center. Many professional photographers have included her in their portfolios of best equine photos. We love Shy for her ability to protect the herd with her keen perception of blowing leaves or breaking branches acres away. She is the guardian and the protector. Although sometimes 'shy' of new human members of her herd, she has a very soft and sweet side to her, most comfortable with children who want to brush her flowing mane.
Classic Roan
13.3 hands
"Shy" is Snow's longtime friend and and pasture mate. Shy comes from Sorraia and Choctaw pony bloodlines. Owned by our friends in Switzerland, Shy has a wild and free spirit to her that makes her one of the favorite horses to photograph at The Center. Many professional photographers have included her in their portfolios of best equine photos. We love Shy for her ability to protect the herd with her keen perception of blowing leaves or breaking branches acres away. She is the guardian and the protector. Although sometimes 'shy' of new human members of her herd, she has a very soft and sweet side to her, most comfortable with children who want to brush her flowing mane.
El Savache

1998 stallion
14.3 Hands
HOA registered
El Savache has been one of the finest breeding stallions at Baca Chica Farm in New Mexico. His expressive eyes, calm and soft character and incredible movement has carried over into each of his offspring. He has sired many of the horses now residing at The Center. Adelantado, Morado, Estrellita and Adelina all carry his fine qualities as he is their sire. Savache came to The Center with his mares and fillies in January 2012. He has the sweetest and kindest temperament of any stallion I know. He consistently produces offspring with beautiful, well balanced gaits. Every one of Savache's foals have his gentle spirit, too. He has been a breeding stallion only and ran with a herd of mares back in NM. he is very easy to get along with, although can be shy and skeptical of new people. Will we breed Savache? That depends. We must first have solid funding before we start a breeding program for the NM horses. He is very happy living with his friends and being showcased as one of only a few Baca stallions in existence. Savache has found sanctuary at The Center and we are honored to be his caretakers.
Breed Ambassadors

2011 filly
Sire: El Savache / Dam: Cara Blanca
HOA eligible
Her name translates from Spanish to "little noble". Adelina has a curious and playful character. A full sister to Morado and Estrellita, her athleticism and presence is shining through at a young age. She carries the same beautiful, floaty gaits as her sire and siblings, making her a valuable ambassador for these bloodlines. She's becoming quite a beauty. She is one of the 5 horses we helped out from NM. In January 2012 she came with her momma Cara Blanca, auntie Diamante, sister Estrellita and her daddy Savache. It was through heartfelt donations that The Center was able to bring this family to our facility and offer them everything they deserve. Adelina had never been handled when she arrived at four months old. It took very little time for her to adjust to people. Over the summer she blossomed into the sweetest and most affectionate filly. She especially loves children. One day in August that I remember fondly, she rested her forehead against a young boys chest for 20 minutes without moving. He stood there and petted her the whole time. Adelina gave that boy something he will never forget. Adelina is now a breed ambassador in California.
Sire: El Savache / Dam: Cara Blanca
HOA eligible
Her name translates from Spanish to "little noble". Adelina has a curious and playful character. A full sister to Morado and Estrellita, her athleticism and presence is shining through at a young age. She carries the same beautiful, floaty gaits as her sire and siblings, making her a valuable ambassador for these bloodlines. She's becoming quite a beauty. She is one of the 5 horses we helped out from NM. In January 2012 she came with her momma Cara Blanca, auntie Diamante, sister Estrellita and her daddy Savache. It was through heartfelt donations that The Center was able to bring this family to our facility and offer them everything they deserve. Adelina had never been handled when she arrived at four months old. It took very little time for her to adjust to people. Over the summer she blossomed into the sweetest and most affectionate filly. She especially loves children. One day in August that I remember fondly, she rested her forehead against a young boys chest for 20 minutes without moving. He stood there and petted her the whole time. Adelina gave that boy something he will never forget. Adelina is now a breed ambassador in California.
Cara Blanca

1998 mare
14.2 Hands
HOA registered
Cara Blanca has proven herself as a brood mare at Baca Chica Farms. She has produced many foals of superb Colonial Spanish quality and disposition. She is a wonderful mother to her babies, teaching them healthy herd dynamics and equine social skills. Cara Blanca is shy and reserved, but all of her foals are very outgoing and personable. She is now a breed ambassador in Virginia
1998 mare
14.2 Hands
HOA registered
Cara Blanca has proven herself as a brood mare at Baca Chica Farms. She has produced many foals of superb Colonial Spanish quality and disposition. She is a wonderful mother to her babies, teaching them healthy herd dynamics and equine social skills. Cara Blanca is shy and reserved, but all of her foals are very outgoing and personable. She is now a breed ambassador in Virginia

2008 mare
Charcoal Grey
14.1 Hands
Sire: El Savache / Dam: Cara Blanca
HOA Eligible
Bred and raised at Baca Chica Farm, she is a beautiful young filly that shows great potential as a competitive show horse. Although a diamond in the rough at this stage in her physical development, her lovely gaits express the quality of horse she truly is. Estrellita is very friendly and follows you around like a dog. She has a sweet expression. She is always willing and happy to work with a human partner. Estrellita is now a breed ambassador in Virginia.
Charcoal Grey
14.1 Hands
Sire: El Savache / Dam: Cara Blanca
HOA Eligible
Bred and raised at Baca Chica Farm, she is a beautiful young filly that shows great potential as a competitive show horse. Although a diamond in the rough at this stage in her physical development, her lovely gaits express the quality of horse she truly is. Estrellita is very friendly and follows you around like a dog. She has a sweet expression. She is always willing and happy to work with a human partner. Estrellita is now a breed ambassador in Virginia.

2011 filly
Varnished Roan
Sire: El Savache Dam: Canella
Rosalinda came to us in 2013, one of the last horses to be dispersed from the Baca Chica Farm herd in NM. Rosalinda is a full sister to Adelantado, but shows her dam's loud coloring called varnished roan. Her flashy coloration and elegant way of moving makes her a prospect to be one of our up and coming ambassador horses. She's very independent and learned from an early age from her dam how to stand up for herself in the herd. Although sweet natured and gentle with those who meet her, she has a spirit about her that is unique and honored.
There are many remarkable things about this filly. One is how her coloration has changed so dramatically. She's considered a varnished roan now. Last year I would have called her a strawberry roan, but after shedding out her winter coat her varnished roan was expressed. She is stunning! The other thing about Rosalinda is her character. She often looks over her shoulder. I believe it is because of her dam Canella who had broken her hip years ago and was never accepted by the rest of the mare herd. Rosalinda learned from her momma to be very independent and take care of yourself, always look behind you because something may be coming. Rosalinda is very sweet and gentle. The kids have enjoyed getting to know her. Rosalinda is now a breed ambassador nearby in Vermont but she summer's here at The Center.
Varnished Roan
Sire: El Savache Dam: Canella
Rosalinda came to us in 2013, one of the last horses to be dispersed from the Baca Chica Farm herd in NM. Rosalinda is a full sister to Adelantado, but shows her dam's loud coloring called varnished roan. Her flashy coloration and elegant way of moving makes her a prospect to be one of our up and coming ambassador horses. She's very independent and learned from an early age from her dam how to stand up for herself in the herd. Although sweet natured and gentle with those who meet her, she has a spirit about her that is unique and honored.
There are many remarkable things about this filly. One is how her coloration has changed so dramatically. She's considered a varnished roan now. Last year I would have called her a strawberry roan, but after shedding out her winter coat her varnished roan was expressed. She is stunning! The other thing about Rosalinda is her character. She often looks over her shoulder. I believe it is because of her dam Canella who had broken her hip years ago and was never accepted by the rest of the mare herd. Rosalinda learned from her momma to be very independent and take care of yourself, always look behind you because something may be coming. Rosalinda is very sweet and gentle. The kids have enjoyed getting to know her. Rosalinda is now a breed ambassador nearby in Vermont but she summer's here at The Center.
Little Creek

2007 gelding
Varnished Roan/Tobiano
13.3 hands
Sire: Iktinike / Dam: Red Creek
Little Creek is an offspring of the Choctaw Indian Pony Conservation Program. He is one of only a few Choctaw horses that carry the lineage and genes to produce very rare coloration within this Native American strain. Present at his birth, we've raised Little Creek to become a fine horse. His name comes from the Indian boy in the animated film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. Little Creek is the sire of our new filly Kyra. Little Creek and Minko have the same dad, Iktinike, and were born just a few weeks apart. What is most amazing about Creek is that when he was born he was a brown and white tobiano. He lost his color at about 2 yrs old. He looks grey but Dr. Sponenberg calls him a varnished roan, tobiano, sabino. He kept his dark ears and he has one full blue eye and the other eye is half blue. Little Creek has a soft and gentle way about him. Such a kind eye and very mellow. He loves people but he's kind of a serious, all-business personality. He is affectionate but not in a in -your-face-love-on-me-all-the-time kind of way. Another old, wise spirit. Little Creek is Kyra's Dad. He currently is a breed ambassador in Upstate NY.
Varnished Roan/Tobiano
13.3 hands
Sire: Iktinike / Dam: Red Creek
Little Creek is an offspring of the Choctaw Indian Pony Conservation Program. He is one of only a few Choctaw horses that carry the lineage and genes to produce very rare coloration within this Native American strain. Present at his birth, we've raised Little Creek to become a fine horse. His name comes from the Indian boy in the animated film Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. Little Creek is the sire of our new filly Kyra. Little Creek and Minko have the same dad, Iktinike, and were born just a few weeks apart. What is most amazing about Creek is that when he was born he was a brown and white tobiano. He lost his color at about 2 yrs old. He looks grey but Dr. Sponenberg calls him a varnished roan, tobiano, sabino. He kept his dark ears and he has one full blue eye and the other eye is half blue. Little Creek has a soft and gentle way about him. Such a kind eye and very mellow. He loves people but he's kind of a serious, all-business personality. He is affectionate but not in a in -your-face-love-on-me-all-the-time kind of way. Another old, wise spirit. Little Creek is Kyra's Dad. He currently is a breed ambassador in Upstate NY.

2000 gelding
Copper Dun
13.2 hands
Montego may be small but he is mighty! He represents a very rare strain of Colonial Spanish horse known as the Grand Canyons. His ancestors lived in that region for centuries and evolved into small but tough horses. Sadly, there are no Canyon stallions left and only a few mares in existence. Montego has competed in endurance and lower level dressage. He enjoys attending expos and fairs and trail riding. He currently is a breed ambassador in Upstate NY.
Copper Dun
13.2 hands
Montego may be small but he is mighty! He represents a very rare strain of Colonial Spanish horse known as the Grand Canyons. His ancestors lived in that region for centuries and evolved into small but tough horses. Sadly, there are no Canyon stallions left and only a few mares in existence. Montego has competed in endurance and lower level dressage. He enjoys attending expos and fairs and trail riding. He currently is a breed ambassador in Upstate NY.

November 2012 Filly
Grulla tobiano sabino
Sire: Little Creek/Dam: Maya
Kyra, a name that translates in many languages to mean 'a universal life force, a beam of light' (ki-ra). Kyra was born in broad daylight during a week of record breaking sun and warm temperatures here in Vermont. Her two bright aqua blue eyes are stunning. Maya is a Sorraia from Caballo de Destino's in SD, and Little Creek is a Choctaw pony we raised from birth. The news of Kyra's arrival brought tears to the eyes of a supporter of The Center. Without our friend we would not have Maya. This woman had recently lost her husband and when she met Kyra she felt hope in her life once again. It was a turning point in her healing and her tears were of joy, not grief. Kyra brings a special energy of love, joy and hope to everyone who sees her. Our own eyes have welled up with tears many times as we watch little children sit on their knees and wait for Kyra to approach them. They pet her with such softness and care. Kyra is already a teacher. She has many gifts to bring into this world. Kyra is now a breed ambassador nearby in Vermont.
Grulla tobiano sabino
Sire: Little Creek/Dam: Maya
Kyra, a name that translates in many languages to mean 'a universal life force, a beam of light' (ki-ra). Kyra was born in broad daylight during a week of record breaking sun and warm temperatures here in Vermont. Her two bright aqua blue eyes are stunning. Maya is a Sorraia from Caballo de Destino's in SD, and Little Creek is a Choctaw pony we raised from birth. The news of Kyra's arrival brought tears to the eyes of a supporter of The Center. Without our friend we would not have Maya. This woman had recently lost her husband and when she met Kyra she felt hope in her life once again. It was a turning point in her healing and her tears were of joy, not grief. Kyra brings a special energy of love, joy and hope to everyone who sees her. Our own eyes have welled up with tears many times as we watch little children sit on their knees and wait for Kyra to approach them. They pet her with such softness and care. Kyra is already a teacher. She has many gifts to bring into this world. Kyra is now a breed ambassador nearby in Vermont.
In Memoriam
Sulphur's Destiny

2009 - 2013 Spanish Sulphur filly
Zebra Dun
Sire: Dragon's Sulphur Breath / Dam: Sulphur's Wisp
Destiny's grandsire and dam were gathered off the Utah range and placed with Sulphur horse preservationists. Her sire Dragon is one of the finest stallions we've seen. She was raised in Wisconsin and purchased by one of our donors where she acted as an ambassador for her rare type. Full of confidence and brass, she held her own in the herd. She was sweet, personable and curious. Destiny’s precocious spirit and potential as one of our meaningful teaching horses, remind us that every living being strives to reach its highest creative self through a sense of belonging, exploration, balanced living, health and fun. Destiny was loved on by everyone who knew her. She lived happily at The Center with her half brother, Storm.
Zebra Dun
Sire: Dragon's Sulphur Breath / Dam: Sulphur's Wisp
Destiny's grandsire and dam were gathered off the Utah range and placed with Sulphur horse preservationists. Her sire Dragon is one of the finest stallions we've seen. She was raised in Wisconsin and purchased by one of our donors where she acted as an ambassador for her rare type. Full of confidence and brass, she held her own in the herd. She was sweet, personable and curious. Destiny’s precocious spirit and potential as one of our meaningful teaching horses, remind us that every living being strives to reach its highest creative self through a sense of belonging, exploration, balanced living, health and fun. Destiny was loved on by everyone who knew her. She lived happily at The Center with her half brother, Storm.

1992 - 2014 gelding
14.1 hands
Thunder (SSMA Whirling Thunder), a Native American strain of Colonial Spanish horse, was loved by anyone in his presence. His ancestors carried the Choctaw and Cherokee nation on the tragic Trail of Tears relocation march during the 1830's. Only a few hundred Choctaw Indian ponies are left. Thunder has always been one of our most popular horses. Thunder not only could clear a 3' stadium course, put in a great dressage test, but he packed around little girls and boys who had never ridden. He had a special affinity for children with special needs. Thunder has helped heal and console children and adults who have experienced emotional trauma. We are blessed that Thunder was in our lives.
14.1 hands
Thunder (SSMA Whirling Thunder), a Native American strain of Colonial Spanish horse, was loved by anyone in his presence. His ancestors carried the Choctaw and Cherokee nation on the tragic Trail of Tears relocation march during the 1830's. Only a few hundred Choctaw Indian ponies are left. Thunder has always been one of our most popular horses. Thunder not only could clear a 3' stadium course, put in a great dressage test, but he packed around little girls and boys who had never ridden. He had a special affinity for children with special needs. Thunder has helped heal and console children and adults who have experienced emotional trauma. We are blessed that Thunder was in our lives.

1998 - 2015 mare
14.1 Hands
HOA registered
Diamante, meaning Diamond was bold, friendly and outgoing, traits that make a wonderful broodmare. From Baca Chica Farm, Diamante has passed along her personality to her foals and watches after Adelina like her own. Cara Blanca and Diamante have been raised together and are the equine equivalent of "soul sisters".
She found her forever home here in January 2012 from the Baca family in NM. The Baca's were forced to disperse their whole herd of horses due to the drought, health and finances, and with the support of our friends we were able to take Diamante and four others and provide them sanctuary here at our facility. She had not been handled much in her life but knew humans provided her with food, water and love so she was willing to engage with people on her terms at The Center. She had a very kind and soft eye. She was one of the last of the Baca bloodlines. She was able to live out her life with us in a beautiful, loving herd of Spanish mustangs.
14.1 Hands
HOA registered
Diamante, meaning Diamond was bold, friendly and outgoing, traits that make a wonderful broodmare. From Baca Chica Farm, Diamante has passed along her personality to her foals and watches after Adelina like her own. Cara Blanca and Diamante have been raised together and are the equine equivalent of "soul sisters".
She found her forever home here in January 2012 from the Baca family in NM. The Baca's were forced to disperse their whole herd of horses due to the drought, health and finances, and with the support of our friends we were able to take Diamante and four others and provide them sanctuary here at our facility. She had not been handled much in her life but knew humans provided her with food, water and love so she was willing to engage with people on her terms at The Center. She had a very kind and soft eye. She was one of the last of the Baca bloodlines. She was able to live out her life with us in a beautiful, loving herd of Spanish mustangs.
*We are a Vermont non-profit corporation and federal 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.