Photo Gallery

This is Rosalinda in New Mexico as a two year old, and Rosalinda a year later at The Center. There are many remarkable things about this filly. One is how her coloration has changed so dramatically. She's considered a varnished roan now. Last year we would have called her a strawberry roan, but after shedding out her winter coat, the varnished roan was expressed. She is stunning!
"The board development/leadership workshop I attended with the Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum’s Board of Directors helped us to learn more about how we individually and collectively function and problem solve through unique encounters with horses. This insight will be invaluable in creating more collaboration, transparency, and respect as the Board plans for the Museum’s second decade. Thank you to the Center for America’s First Horse and EQnimity for offering us this eye-opening opportunity." Meredith Scott, Director/Curator .