The Center's E-Store
Gift Certificates |

A CFAFH gift certificate is a wonderful gift for any occasion. Gift Certificates can be used to:
- Purchase lessons
- Natural Horsemanship for Children summer sessions
- Clinics
- Workshops
- Items from our e-store
- Sponsor a child with a gift certificate
- As a donation.
Natural Horsemanship At Home with Tim Hayes DVD $69 Free shipping in USA
Entire 2 day clinic available on DVD Two hour DVD includes a 12 page booklet/pocket guide with detailed and in depth descriptions of all the Natural Groundwork and Riding Exercises in Tim's 2 day Natural Horsemanship Clinic. |
Natural Horsemanship Rope Tack & Tools
The Center is excited to be partnering with Handcrafted Jewelers Rope Horse Tack. 15% of your purchase will be donated to The Center when ordered through this link. Check out some of the equipment I suggest, whether purchasing your first rope halter or adding to your collection of rope equipment. Custom orders are also available.
Keitha, owner of Handcrafted Jewelers is a long time producer of rope halter, leads, reins and other natural horsemanship rope equipment. Her high quality and affordable products, along with great customer service are reasons why I've been a satisfied customer for years. To order Natural Horsemanship rope tack on-line, please click here. |
*We are a Vermont non-profit corporation and federal 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.